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Plagiarism check

Distinguish us from the rest of the plagiarism checkers by our commitment to a complimentary initial plagiarism detector service. With us, you can effortlessly evaluate the plagiarism scan results before making a decision on whether to invest in a comprehensive originality report. Unlike many others, we prioritize your satisfaction and provide transparency in the process.
Free real-time plagirism check

This feature proves to be highly valuable as it enables users to compare their documents with recently published articles, ensuring their work's relevance and originality.
Our plagiarism checker is designed to detect similarities with papers that have been published as recently as 10 minutes ago on well-known websites. This ensures that users can effectively identify any potential matches with recently published content, allowing for thorough plagiarism checking and ensuring the integrity of their work.
Priority checking

This feature allows you to bypass or jump over the line or queue and proceed directly to the front, effectively reducing the waiting time.
Document verification is a process that demands considerable resources and may take a significant amount of time to complete. However, with this service, you have the advantage of skipping the waiting line altogether. By availing this feature, you can bypass the usual waiting period, allowing for a faster and more expedient document verification process.
Database of scholarly articles

Our database of scholarly articles is a unique database with more than 80 million scientific articles from the most popular academic publishers. Enabling this feature will allow you to check your work against the content of a plethora of renowned publishers such as Oxford University Press, De Gruyter, Ebsco, Springer, Wiley, Ingram, and others.
Through our partnership with CORE, we offer seamless access to a vast collection of research articles gathered from numerous Open Access data providers. These providers include repositories and journals, ensuring a comprehensive and diverse range of scholarly content. With this access, you can explore millions of research articles with ease, facilitating your academic pursuits and enhancing your knowledge in various fields.
Deep check

The deep plagiarism check feature encompasses an extensive search within the databases of search engines. By opting for this option, you can obtain a more precise and accurate plagiarism score for your document. This thorough examination ensures a comprehensive analysis, leaving no stone unturned in identifying potential similarities and delivering a more reliable assessment of the originality of your work.
Opting for a detailed plagiarism check offers significantly more comprehensive information compared to a regular check. This in-depth analysis provides you with a wealth of detailed insights to further enhance the integrity and originality of your work. It's important to note that due to the thoroughness of this process, a detailed check may take additional time to complete. However, the extended wait is well worth it for those seeking a meticulous and comprehensive evaluation of their document's uniqueness.
Detailed report

With a detailed report, you gain the ability to thoroughly examine the original sources of the highlighted similarities in your document. This comprehensive report goes beyond simple matches and includes paraphrased sections, citations, and any instances of improper citation. By providing you with this extensive information, the detailed report empowers you to evaluate your work effectively and make the necessary changes to improve the integrity and accuracy of your paper. It serves as a valuable resource for enhancing the quality of your writing and ensuring that your document meets the highest standards.