Plagiarism check
We are a trusted international plagiarism checking platform, using the world’s first truly multilingual plagiarism detection tool.
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Similarity score
Each report includes a similarity score that indicates the level of similarity detected in your document. This score is calculated by dividing the number of matched words by the total word count in the document. For instance, if your document consists of 1,000 words and the similarity score is 21%, it signifies that there are 210 matched words present in your document. This provides a clear understanding of the extent of similarities identified during the analysis.
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What makes Plag unique

Access from anywhere, at any time, as long as you have an internet connection. We present you the latest features and functionality.
- Multilingual detection in 129 languages Even if your document is written in several languages, our multilingual system has no trouble detecting plagiarism. Our algorithms work perfectly with a wide range of writing systems, including Greek, Latin, Arabic, Aramaic, Cyrillic, Georgian, Armenian, Brahmic family scripts, the Ge’ez script, Chinese characters and derivatives (including Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese), as well as Hebrew.
- Formats DOC, DOCX, ODT, PAGES, and RTF files up to 75MB are allowed.
- Database of public sources The Database of Public Sources consists of any publicly available documents that might be found on the internet and archived websites. This includes books, journals, encyclopedias, periodicals, magazines, blog articles, newspapers, and other openly available content. With the help of our partners, we can find documents that have just appeared on the web.
- Database of scholarly articles In addition to the open database, we offer you the ability to check files against our database of scholarly articles, which consists of more than 80 million scholarly articles from the best-known academic publishers.
- CORE database CORE provides seamless access to millions of research articles aggregated from thousands of Open Access data providers, such as repositories and journals. CORE provides access to 98,173,656 free-to-read full-text research papers, with 29,218,877 full texts hosted directly by them.